Odiyan Retreat Center

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Christopher, 30
Current volunteer
six monthsheader_bgI am so involved and enjoying what I do that time flies. I’m grateful for helping to preserve the Tibetan culture and the teachings of their wise and enlightened masters. I’m able to reflect on so much in this stable environment and it’s wonderful to be in a positive and happy community of diverse people from so many countries and different backgrounds. Truly a life changing experience!!


Nick, 26
Current volunteer 2 years.header_bg
At Odiyan we work. but the work is not trivial; that is a rare opportunity in this age. One of the best lessons that Odiyan can teach is that comfort is not a prerequisite for relaxation. Odiyan is a place where real value is obvious, and being truly valuable can be easy. At times I find it hard to like people, but at Odiyan liking people becomes less difficult. Odiyan is a place where the feeling of doing good is not tinted with selfishness. My life has been a search for virtue. Here at Odiyan that is not a fool’s errand.

Ricardo, 29
Current volunteer 6 years.header_bg
Many of us, volunteers, come to Odiyan searching for self-improvement, to somehow become a better person. At times we even imagine and idealize something or someone that we want to be. One way or another, there is always an expectation of what can change with your coming here. And following that expectation, there is always some disappointment. Well, you don’t simply become someone else, and realizing that, is definitely an important step of to see what is truly remarkable about our experience here. Even being limited, with our weaknesses and flaws, we are still able to create something as amazing as Odiyan. And that is no small deed. It is a remarkable reminder of our capacity, if nothing else.


Matthew, 24
Former volunteer 1 year.header_bg
They shared their knowledge and their way of life with me, essentially a stranger, whom they entrusted with their home and precious work. I learned of a Buddhist perspective on the mind, how one “practices” daily while mixing concrete or preparing a meal. Those who live at Odiyan live thoughtfully, with intent. In doing so, much work gets accomplished. From constructing and maintaining temple grounds, to canning fruits, to casting statues or mowing the grass, all work is meaningful. My year at Odiyan has uncovered for me a great potential I see not only in myself, but in all with whom I have worked. Odiyan is a way to learn and a way to live, applicable to all means of life.


Tim, 25
Former volunteer 3 years. header_bg
I spent most of my life prior to Odiyan listening to music, playing drums, playing tennis, staring into space and not paying attention in school. (At Odiyan) my mind stream shifted from mostly thinking about myself and my life to thinking: “How can I help the earth and the people and life that coexist on it.”