Odiyan Retreat Center


Weekend workshops by Magda Costa

Transcending the Way of “How”

APRIL 7 & 8, 2023
Friday & Saturday – 8AM-12:30PM PDT


When you ask, “How do I do it? How can I pray in the best way?” you may be using the wrong tools. These tools to figure out ‘how’ will not get you anywhere; there may not even be a glimpse of understanding. Asking ‘how’ will only give you another ‘how’ in return. In a friendly manner we will explore together transcending the conceptual mind that, instead of helping us, has led us to rejection, even before we start.


May 12 – 13, 2023
Friday & Saturday – 8AM-12:30PM PDT


Once we understand that perception is what establishes the concept of ‘I’ and ‘myself’, which causes karma to accumulate, we will gradually develop a different perspective, one that will benefit us greatly.

The Power of Perception

June 16 & 17, 2023
Friday & Saturday – 8AM-12:30PM PDT


When body and mind are in balance, free of vacillations, skepticism, and self-doubt, through the blessings of the Triple Gem, all appearance can become symbol. The senses can open to the blessings they convey, and perception can carry their meaning through all expressions of consciousness. In an awe-inspiring, beautiful way, the universe becomes a mandala. The bonds of karma weaken, and our path becomes lighter.

Price per workshop $ 200
Price for entire Trilogy $ 550

In case of financial hardship, ask for assistance
Contact outreach@odiyan.org


Magda Costa has been studying and practicing the Tibetan Buddhism since 1991. She started her studies in Sao Paulo Nyingma Center, Brazil, and moved to the US in 2004 to be the Financial Officer of Dharma Publishing. In 2010 she moved to Odiyan to do the traditional three years retreat and after the retreat she continues living in Odiyan practicing, studying, and working under Rinpoche’s guidance.