The Eightfold Path To Inner Strength
With Rosalyn White
February 3 – March 9, 2024
Saturdays 10 – 11:30am
Fee $180
As we continue to navigate the turbulent events in our world, we need as many tools as possible to cope with our fear, sadness, frustration, stress and anger. The Buddha offered fundamental teachings on how we can work with suffering, whether it be small, big, temporary or chronic.
He called it the Eightfold Path, which helps us overcome obstacles and brins a deep sense of satisfaction in our lives. The Buddha taught that when we develop the proper vision, attitude, speech, action, livelihood, effort awareness, and concentration, it brings us a greater sense of strength and courage.
The Eightfold Path:
Right Vision – helps counteract misconceptions about the nature of reality.
Right Attitude – protects from harmful thoughts towards others.
Right Speech – counters harsh & untrue words.
Right Action – keeps us from harming others and ourselves.
Right Livelihood – protects from poor choices such as engaging in stealing or killing.
Right Effort – redirects our energy towards positive results.
Right Awareness – dispels wrong views about our body, speech, and mind
Right Concentration – protects from a lack of clarity.
If you are interested in registering for this program, please click the enroll button.
Rosalyn White was the Director of Ratna Ling for 7 years. She has studied meditation and Tibetan art under the guidance of Tarthang Tulku for over 40 years. She holds a BFA in Fine Arts from the California College of Art and a teaching credential from UC Berkeley. She has been teaching classes in meditation and sacred art for over 25 years.