The Odiyan Programs Faculty is happy to announce two exciting new online
programs that focus on meditation, devotional practices, and prayer.

Prayer for Our Times
Connecting to the Sacred in the Modern World
A ten-week class with Maria Helena Kubrusly
Our rational mind questions what the heart knows.
We can feel the presence of the sacred even in the midst of the tribulations of daily life. In our hearts we know the existence of something bigger, beyond our routine and everyday concerns. But when we turn to this more open and inviting dimension we may feel insecure, skeptical, or even embarrassed.
Learn to invite the presence of the sacred into your daily life through prayer, mantra, and Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga.
April 17 – June 19, Saturdays, 9:00-10:30 AM
Price: US$200

Maria Helena is a founding member of the Nyingma center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
An Odiyan resident since 1999 who works closely with Tarthang Rinpoche, Maria Helena has taught several online courses from Odiyan and has conducted numerous programs and retreats in Brazil and Europe.

The Nectar of Healing and Well Being
A two-day intensive retreat
with Magda Costa
The Nectar of Healing and Well-being is a practice of Healing Padmasambhava that integrates meditation and visualization to awaken the power that the mind has to heal the body and itself.
Saturday, June 26, 9:30 – 3:30 PM &
Sunday, June 27, 9:30 -1:00 PM
Price: US$150

Magda Costa has been studying and practicing Tibetan Buddhism since 1991. Starting her studies in Sao Paulo Nyingma Center, Brazil, she moved to Odiyan in 2010, for a traditional three-year retreat under Head Lama Tarthang Rinpoche. Magda has taught meditation and devotional practices in Brazil and Colombia, and has offered online retreats for students in Europe.
We offer a discount to those who enroll in both programs.
We can also offer some assistance in case of financial hardship.
Contact outreach@odiyan.org for further information.
All proceeds from the online classes support the Odiyan community