Odiyan Retreat Center

Gesture of Great Love – Study and Practice Program


Magda Costa has been studying and practicing the Tibetan Buddhism since 1991. She started her studies in Sao Paulo Nyingma Center, Brazil, and moved to the US in 2004 to be the Financial Officer of Dharma Publishing. In 2010 she moved to Odiyan to do the traditional three years retreat and after the retreat she continues living in Odiyan practicing, studying, and working under Rinpoche’s guidance.

Elske van de Hulst is co-dean and senior instructor at Nyingma Centrum Nederland in Amsterdam.

Between 1969 and 1995, she worked in the theatre as an actress, director and author. She taught at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten and for many years was a member of the Dutch Arts Council. In 1998 she started studying the theatre of the mind, guided by Tarthang Tulku’s books, and has not stopped since.

Elske teaches Meditation, Knowledge of FreedomRevelations of Mind, Dimensions of Mind, Caring and Lotus Trilogy teachings in Amsterdam and elsewhere.


Four Modules and a Retreat

Module 1 – Oct 5-Nov 23: Cultivating Treasures, Maria Helena Kubrusly

Module 2 – Jan 18-Mar 15:  Seeing Mind with Wise Eyes, Caroline van Tuyll

Module 3 – Mar 29-May 3: Offering Hugs and Kisses, Magda Costa

Module 4 – May 10-June 28: Time Dynamic Matters, Ralph McFall

Workshop – June 29: Silent Field of Being, all Instructors

Module Title Dates Instructors
M1 Cultivating Treasures for Peace Oct.5 – Nov. 23’24 Maria Helena Kubrusly
M2 Seeing Mind with Wise Eyes Jan.11 – March 8’25 Caroline van Tuyll
M3 Offering Hugs and Kisses March 15 – May 3 Magda Costa
M4 Time Dynamic Matters May 10 – June 28 Ralph McFall
M5 Retreat – Embracing the Silent
Field of Being
July 11 – 13, 2025 GGL Program Instructors


Gesture of Great Love

Module 3: Offering Hugs and Kisses

March 29 – May 3, 2025

6 Saturdays, 9:30 – 11 AM PST

Price for course – $220

Rinpoche writes: “We are living within the ‘regime of mind’. As long as mind runs unchecked, we are living in delusion, unable to make sense of what is going on.”

An invitation to transcend suffering now!

The book and program Gesture of Great Love offer a new way of understanding experience through unique approaches and practices. We will explore:

  • the root cause of suffering
  • the challenges of mind manifestations
  • time’s dynamic dimensions.

Both book and program are characterized by a fresh and surprisingly direct tone that invites us to transcend suffering – not some time later but starting now – as we are, where we are and realizing that the Great Love at the heart of being is already here!

The mind is the root cause of suffering. In this course we actively inquire into our own experience. You become intimate with the self, investigating how it operates, when it affirms itself, and why.

We will explore the way to freedom by

  • Finding access to the regime of mind and its limiting operations
  • Seeing the role language plays to keep us stuck in old habits
  • Learning the value of asking basic questions, without insisting on finding answers
  • Deepening experience through active inquiry
  • Demasking limiting patterns and finding them opening into space.