Odiyan Retreat Center

The series Caring at Work

Helena Gold began studying, practicing and teaching Tarthang Tulku’s books in 1986 in Brazil. In 2004 she moved to the US to become the Program Manager in the Center for Skillful Means Consulting, at Dharma Publishing. Since 2008 she is an Odiyan resident practicing, studying, and working under Rinpoche’s guidance. Helena is the Director of the International TNMC Centers since 2009.

Tara Ristau began her study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism and Tarthang Tulku’s teachings in 2007 while working at Ratna Ling Retreat Center for the Yeshe De Text Preservation Project. After a decade of studying, practicing and working, she began to lead study groups, workshops, and retreats at Ratna Ling. In 2017, she received Kum Nye teacher training through Dharma Publishing. After going on pilgrimage and retreat in Nepal and India, she moved to Odiyan in 2021 where she became an instructor trainee and has led courses through Odiyan programs. 

Elco van Vliet first came in contact with the teachings of Tarthang Tulku in the TNMC International Center in Rio de Janeiro. He completed the Kum Nye Teacher Training, after which he started giving Kum Nye classes in 2019. Currently, Elco is living at Odiyan Retreat Center, where he is working on the Yeshe De Tibetan text preservation project.

The Gift of Work

New teachings based on the book
by Tarthang Tulku.

We are excited to offer a brand-new course in the series Caring at Work.

Course 2 – The Gift of Work
6 Saturdays; 9:30 – 11 am
May 4 – June 8, 2024

Fee $200

 We all have positive qualities that can be developed. Nurturing these qualities ‘on the spot’ may overcome burnout, allowing us to find joy and satisfaction at work and in daily life.

Work, a large part of our daily life, offers a unique opportunity to actively develop and perfect the human universal qualities, turning life into a rich and meaningful experience. By learning to care and appreciate ourselves and our work simultaneously, we can transform the frustration and tension that work occasionally stirs up into a source of enjoyment and satisfaction.

In this course we will explore the following questions in a practical way:

  • What does it take to have self-care while working?
  • How do you skillfully integrate caring for yourself and for the task at hand simultaneously?
  • Can we work effectively while still taking care of body and mind?
  • Is it possible to find a balance between self-care and a fulfilling and successful time at work?

The course will be presented in three modules:

Module 1. Caring for Breath and Body While Working
Module 2. Cultivating Positivity While Working
Module 3. Meeting Mindfulness While Working

This course is based on Dharma Publishing new book The Gift of Work: Overcoming Workplace Burnout and Finding Satisfaction in Your 9-to-5 by Tarthang Tulku

(Previously published as Skillful Means: Patterns for Success.) 

If you are interested in registering for this program, please enroll here.

The Skillfull Means course is meant to be done and experienced several times, at different moments of one’s professional life.

 I am experiencing it for the second time, in completely distinct moments of my personal and professional life. It has been of great help in achieving clarity in various situations; a clarity that comes from the heart, removing the clutter of emotions that often distract us from what truly matters. 

There is no reason for us to struggle alone with these difficulties when someone has already thought about and tested many things that can help us. The Nyingma masters can impart knowledge with the depth of those who have lived through these wounds and healings. ~ Claudia M.


I have been doing several different Caring courses in the past few years and all of them have done me tremendously good.

This course Caring While Working is very special to me, because the course offers ‘tools’ of body, breath and mind that can be used ON THE SPOT.

I am always short of time and time pressure creates a lot of tension in my body and mind. Moreover, I am generally afraid of being or doing ‘not enough’, with all the tension that comes along with that too. This course is just right for me. These last weeks I have been practicing with certain breath and awareness exercises and it is really wonderful that I do not need extra time to practice, but am getting important results by just caring for myself ON THE SPOT. I am slowly relaxing in the idea that the content of the course is a training, which starts from where I am now, and offers a potential that may be far greater than I am able to understand at this moment.  ~ Guda van der Lee, Norway


Caring for Yourself while Working  offers a pathway to open up fixed ways of thinking and acting. One way includes exercises that connect us with subtle wisdom in the body. I felt it was a very useful course—easy to integrate into daily working life. It’s a course from the book Gift of Work that I would recommend for any person working with a team or all who interact with others on a daily basis. ~ Susan S., M.A., M.Ed.